As we close out American Pharmacists Month, a time to celebrate the great contributions pharmacists, technicians, and pharmacy teams make to healthcare, it is not lost on me that it’s a difficult time for many in our profession.
At the risk of standing on my soapbox too long (which I don’t intend to do!), I jumped in to change the topic of my original message this week when I received an email from Michael Hogue, APhA’s CEO. on Monday. Regardless of your practice setting, the statements in this letter will impact you.Read it here.
I don’t feel the need to add anything more to Michael’s message.
I applaud him for addressing, head on, these important and critical topics.
And if you believe in the old adage, things must get worse before they get better, let’s hope we’ve hit rock bottom so we can begin to improve and rebuild a better profession. For the sake of pharmacists, technicians, and mostly patients.
What is your biggest takeaway from his message? Reply directly to this email, I would love to hear your thoughts.
As always, have a great week and keep learning!
1. Partner Spotlight: Our Own Expert Product Advisory team!
Each year we select a panel of expert pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to provide feedback, guidance, and advice on how we should model and build our CE courses for the following year. This year our panel consisted of pharmacists and technicians from academia, industry, specialty pharmacy, ambulatory, and inpatient services. We would like to thank each of them for their time, effort, and support. We are SO excited to roll out our educational programming for the year 2024 – stay tuned to learn more!

2. Demystifying Compliance Programs in Pharmacy Practice
Now, more than ever direct visibility into your pharmacy compliance program is essential.
Both pharmacists and pharmacies are at risk of violations, fines, and legal action taken by state boards of pharmacy, payers, and accreditation agencies if compliance mechanisms are fractured.
This is why CEimpact has partnered with legal and compliance experts to provide you with CE for your pharmacy compliance program.
In this FREE 1-hour Law CE Webinar, we’ll discuss:
- Most common mistakes pharmacy compliance programs make
- How to report potential violations and unethical behavior
- The core components of a successful compliance programs
- Common mechanism and tools on how to ensure your program is maintaining high compliance standards
3. Weekly Podcast Alert
GameChangers Podcast: Is Enteric Aspirin Worth It?
There are numerous formulations of aspirin available over-the-counter that are often advertised to decrease gastric issues. Join host, Geoff Wall, as he evaluates a new study to see if enteric aspirin is worth the extra money and effort.
Level Up Podcast: Financial Wellness for Pharmacists
Join Ashlee and Tim Ulbrich, pharmacist and founder of Your Financial Pharmacist, in this week’s Level Up episode as they discuss Tim’s career, advice, and resources that pharmacists can use in the journey toward attaining financial wellness.
Precept2Practice Podcast: Club “J” – Making Journal Clubs Fun and Effective
Think journal clubs are a heavy lift? That they can’t be done in a small pharmacy environment? Worried that you don’t have enough statistical savvy? Listen to this episode and you’ll discover how journal clubs can be incorporated into just about any setting with some simple strategies. The value they bring is immense – NAPLEX preparation for graduating students, expanded clinical knowledge for the learner and staff, the development of confidence and communication skills in your students and residents, and much more.