Back to School

Back to School

With each change of season, I’m reminded of what I love about that time of year.  

This particular time of year – summer into fall – is one of my favorite change of seasons. 

One example was evident last week during my high school son’s Mini School Night. It’s basically “syllabus day for parents”. You walk their schedule and spend 10 minutes in each classroom to become familiar with their teachers and their curriculum. Call me a nerd, but it’s so much fun!  

When a friend asked me why I love it so much, I realized it’s because it aligns with what I love about fall – a return of schedule and productivity, plus anticipation of what is to come.  

After a casual, fun-filled summer, it’s nice to get back to a routine where things feel familiar. At CEimpct our team has taken their summer holidays, and we’re all in the office at the same time, which helps build back consistency and productivity.  

It’s also filled with anticipation – of the leaves changing color and the holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and winter holidays) that hold so much tradition and time spent with family and friends.  

At CEimpact, it also means a return to our fall curriculums to prepare pharmacists and technicians for the immunization and test and treat “season”. Just like students, we’re back at it this fall, and we have so much in store for you in the months to come!  

What do you look forward to in the fall?  

I heard from so many of you last week – keep the feedback coming!  

As always, have a great week, keep learning, and happy fall! 🍂🍃🍁

Stay confident and competent.

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