A couple of weeks ago I was watching the Today Show (I’ve been an avid fan since the Katie Couric days!), and a story on OTC phenylephrine caught my attention. Knowing many pharmacies proactively removed these products back in September when the FDA first made the statement that they were ineffective, helped me realize how mainstream media platforms are often delayed in reporting healthcare stories.
The fact is that a group of pharmacists started asking the FDA many decades ago to remove this product from the market, and now, only after the CARES Act of 2020 was implemented, did they finally responded.
My biggest takeaways from hearing this segment on live TV are:
- Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. Be confident in your ability to take care of patients based on the evidence and your own expertise.
- Media platforms are an excellent resource for patients, but are often delayed when sharing the most up to date and current medical information.
- It is your responsibility to be proactive, stay relevant, and invest in your medication knowledge.
To learn more about the history of the OTC phenylephrine removal from shelves, listen to our Level Up podcast on this topic LISTEN.
Most importantly, Happy Veterans Day to those who have sacrificed so much and served our country. We see you and appreciate you!
As always, have a great week and keep learning!
1. Pharmacists by Design™ LIVE CE Course
PrEParing for Tomorrow: A Pharmacist’s Guide to HIV Prevention
Wednesday, November 14, 2023 @ 1:00pm CT via Zoom®
Background: The number of new HIV diagnosis fell 7% between 2017 and 2021. However, new data shows that ~40% of new HIV transmissions are from people who are undiagnosed and unaware they have HIV.To minimize this transmission, pharmacists can help identify those individuals who fit the criteria for pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment regimens. This is a valuable pharmacy service that can be seamlessly integrated into your workflow to largely amplify & elevate public health initiatives.During this webinar, you will gain the education & tools to:Identify high-risk individuals & communicate pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment goalsCompare FDA-approved regimens, counsel on side effects, & establish monitoring parametersRecommend appropriate PrEP therapy and HIV prevention methods for patients
Pharmacist by Design™ Members: Enroll Here.
Not a Member? Click below to join and attend this webinar!
Meet the Webinar Experts:

2. Get Law CE with our FREE, Live Compliance Webinar on November 15th
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 @ 12:00pm CT via Zoom®
Now, more than ever direct visibility into your pharmacy compliance program is essential. Both pharmacists and pharmacies are at risk of violations, fines, and legal action taken by state boards of pharmacy, payers, and accreditation agencies if compliance mechanisms are fractured.
This is why CEimpact has partnered with legal and compliance experts to provide you with CE for your pharmacy compliance program.
In this FREE 1-hour Law CE Webinar, we’ll discuss:
- Most common mistakes pharmacy compliance programs make
- How to report potential violations and unethical behavior
- The core components of a successful compliance programs
- Common mechanism and tools on how to ensure your program is maintaining high compliance standards
Meet the Webinar Experts:
3. Tis’ The Spooky Season … Murder w/ RXs!
Back by popular demand…
The 15- Hour Advanced Training CE Program
Murder with Medication: A Tale of Forensic Pharmacy
It may seem surreal, but sometimes people intentionally use pharmaceutical products to kill other people. I know, sounds intense, right?
Incidents like this are uncommon, but they do happen.
The scary part: pharmacists can be held accountable for these murders.
If you don’t think it can happen, read this article.
Inside our Murder with Medication Advanced Training Program, you will learn how to protect yourself against these claims, tools to detect & prevent crimes like this, and best practices to protect yourself and your patients.
*Don’t forget to use your 10% discount code if you are a By Design™ member