Hypercoagulability with COVID-19 infection | GameChangers
Podcast | CEimpact
New Normal The Federal stay-at-home order has been lifted, which means something...
Counseling Patients with Opioid Prescriptions
Pharmacists must decline opioid prescriptions if their suspicions of invalidity cannot be...
Adventures of a P4: NAPLEX + MPJE
Keaton Higgins gears up for the ending of his P4 year and...
Faculty Spotlight:Â Susan Cornell, Pharm.D., CDE, FAPhA, FAADE
Many people in the world have diabetes. Every year, the American...
Turn the Tide
Retroactive DIR fees are hitting community pharmacies across the board, especially in...
Pediatric Vaccinations – You Can Do It!
Best practices when it comes to vaccination techniques, recording keeping, forecasting, and...
COVID MythBusters LIVE CE with Miranda Wilhelm, PharmD
Right now, staying current with what’s going on with COVID vaccines is challenging! We know there is new information and...