I 💚 podcasts!

If you ever want to learn about a topic, just enter it in the search bar of your favorite podcast app, and chances are you’ll find multiple channels, shows, and episodes!

This week I recorded a client podcast, and it reminded me why I love our podcasts so much. 

Here are some fun facts you may not know…

  • Last week we celebrated GameChangers‘ 4th birthday!
  • GameChangers was the first podcast to offer pharmacy CE credit for listening.
  • You can listen to GameChangers every Monday morning, and in 30 minutes or less, earn drug therapy CE credit.
  • You can listen to the Precept2Practice Podcast monthly to pick up tips on being a better preceptor for students and residents & earn CE.

And some insider info…

  • We’re working to launch a technician CE podcast.
  • This summer we’ll be announcing a fun game, complete with prizes, for earning podcast CE credit.

The thing I love most about podcast CE is the ability to be an “inch deep and a mile wide” on many clinical topics. Traditional CE requires you to attend a webinar or sit in a meeting (on a topic you may or may not enjoy).

But podcast CE allows you to learn about many topics, even while driving, working out, or cleaning the house. And, in a busy world, time is money! 

This week’s topic is no exception as we talk about Marijuana’s Move to Schedule III. It’s a great conversation about the impact on the legal landscape and medical research, actions we can take to better understand pharmacogenomics for CBD and THC response, and how to be more instrumental in our patients’ healthcare when medical marijuana is warranted. 

Besides our podcasts (of course!), I’d love to know what podcasts you regularly listen to what you like about them. Please reply to let me know!  

As always, have a great week and keep listening and learning! 

Stay confident and competent.

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