New Normal

The Federal stay-at-home order has been lifted, which means something different for each of us depending on where we live. What the new normal will look like, and when we will experience it, is to be determined.  Will we wear masks in public places? Will we shake hands? Will restaurants be the same? Will we attend concerts and parades anytime soon? So many questions to be answered…

What will your new normal look like? It’s likely that what you’ve done during this time will stick. So, what have you done? Even as a self-proclaimed lifelong learner, I’ve been uber curious about evidence-based information throughout this time. I watch the news, but then find the evidence to back it up so I can form my own opinion. It seems COVID-19 is what everyone wants to talk about, so as a pharmacist I better know the facts!

There are many great resources for evidence-based information. InpharmD and FLARE are a couple of my new favorites, as well as my state pharmacy association and the national associations that are keeping us informed daily about rules, laws, and best practices. Whatever your go-to, I encourage you to have a few in your back pocket.

Stay Curious

If staying curious has been your new habit too, it’s a great one to keep when we establish our new normal. (Way better than nightly wine and binging shows. Which I’m definitely not doing…wink.) Curiosity and lifelong learning are at the core of who we are as pharmacists. What better time to strengthen the habit of learning that binds us as health care professionals?

CEImpact can help you create learning habits through our subscription services. You’ll receive*:

  • 1st of the month:  New CE

  • 2nd Wednesday of the month:  Live Journal Club CE

  • Every Friday: Clinical question on a guideline or hot topic

 If podcasts are your thing, new podcasts are released each week:

  • Thursdays: Thrive Subscribe – a focus on community pharmacy practice transformation

  • Fridays: Clinical case discussion – Starting at the end of May!

  • Saturdays:  COVID-19 Practice Pearls (in collaboration with CPESN USA)

 *depending on the subscription service

 Whatever your favorite resources – create habits by accessing them on a regular basis.

 – Jen Moulton, BSPharm, RPh CEImpact, President

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