Pass the MPJE™
A comprehensive course + study materials to prepare for the MJPE® and pass . . . the first time.
If you...

CEimpact is your solution to
Pass the MPJE™
Pass the MPJETM is a comprehensive, affordable, and reliable resource, specifically designed for learners who want a tailored approach to MPJE® prep. CEimpact has partnered with David Benson Brushwood, renowned pharmacy law scholar, to create this opportunity for you. Let us help!
What’s Included:
- Strategic review of foundational and advanced legal principles
- Exam strategies and testing tips specific to the MPJE®
- Q&A format that provides explanation of answers will build legal reasoning skills
- Differentiation between the role of state and federal law
- 120+ page written pharmacy law supplement
- List of frequently prescribed drugs with brand and generic names (including controlled substances)
Are you affiliated with a college or school of pharmacy, residency program, or other organization that is looking for an MPJE® preparation tool for a larger audience?
National passing rates on the NAPLEX® and MPJE® are decreasing at an alarming rate.
Faculty are stretched. The curriculum is packed. And students who navigated the COVID-19 pandemic face unique challenges that are likely to impact their ability to be successful on these exams. What worked before is NOT working today.
CEimpact has partnered with W-F Professional Associates and David Brushwood to develop resources to help your students achieve success on both the NAPLEX® and MPJE® . . . the first time. Invest in your students now to save them costly reviews and potential delays in their new careers as pharmacists and residents.
Meet the Expert Faculty

David B. Brushwood, R.Ph, J.D.
Senior Lecturer, The University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Law Content Developer, CEimpact
Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy, University of Florida College of Pharmacy
Senior Lecture, University of Wyoming College of Pharmacy
David Brushwood is a pharmacist attorney who has taught pharmacy law for more than 30 years and mentored students in MPJE® prep throughout.
MPJE® is a registered trademark owned by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). Review Courses provided by CEimpact or any of its affiliates are not recommended, certified or endorsed by NABP.
Questions, answers or scenarios presented in the reviews are in no manner claimed to be similar to nor are they intended to represent similarities to any questions, answers or scenarios that appear on any pharmacy licensure examinations. If similarities exist, they are due to coincidence. Questions, answers, or scenarios have been developed to concentrate on reviews of significant concepts related to contemporary practice. It is against the provider’s policies to solicit information from anyone about actual questions or topics on any licensure examinations. Volunteering of such information is prohibited. Questions are a guide to the associated study materials only.
We also have:
Pass the NAPLEX™
Study strategies to build your confidence and pass the NAPLEX® the first time.
We offer live, virtual events!